Some Thoughts: Women in Clothes

A couple of weeks ago, I bought a copy of Women in Clothes. I saw this book on a sale pile at National Bookstore. One of the reasons why I decided to buy it was because of its massive discount. I love getting good deals on books and magazines, and I always get excited whenever I see copies of i-D or Vogue at my nearby Book Sale.

Aside from its price, the real reason why I bought it was its premise. The book’s jacket said that it was a diverse collection of conversations, stories, and ideas about personal style and self-expression from women across different races, ages, and backgrounds. Some of the pieces I’ve read were a feature on a sweatshop worker, an interview on Lena Dunham, and even a conversation on power dressing. Visuals-wise, the book is packed with photographs and illustrations!

Learning about one’s personal style is very fascinating. For me, I see it as an extension of one’s personal journey.  More often than not, our personal style can influence the way we approach other aspects of our lives. As someone who lives with a lot of internal chaos, having a semblance of control through external means is a huge deal. I choose to exercise that control through my personal style and beauty routine.  It’s a small step in being in control of my own life, and getting my life together.

I’m happy that there are books such as this, because it’s not a how-to on fashion. Rather, it’s more of an in-depth look on how women develop their own personal style over time, as they go through the motions of life. In a time where women’s clothing are still policed or heavily judged by society, I honestly think that it’s important to live your truths in any way possible— even through the clothes that you wear.

Life Currently: Breaking Free from the Fixed Mindset and Negativity

In less than a week, I will be commemorating my 2-month anniversary at my current job. Needless to say, I am still very much in the process of adjusting and getting used to things at work. It’s usually been this way whenever change comes in; it’s always been difficult for me to adjust to change, and embrace growth.

I know it’s quite ironic to write about this, since I usually express my excitement and determination to grow as a writer (and as a human being). However, I still don’t feel the changes that I want to see in myself (and in the work that I’m doing). Maybe it’s because I’m holding myself back from growing too? I guess so. A huge part of me finds it difficult to move on from past hurts and move forward with life, and it’s getting in the way of my own growth and happiness.

I know it’s easier said than done, but I need to cut myself some slack and allow myself to enjoy and focus on the present so I can truly move forward from all of this. I can do this, and I will be okay.